Topkap Saray The Topkapı Palace (Turkish: Topkapı Sarayı; Ottoman Turkish: طوپقپو سرايى, romanized: ṭopḳapu sarāyı, lit. 'cannon gate palace'), or the Seraglio, is a large museum and library in the east of the Fatih district of Istanbul in Turkey.From the 1460s to the completion of Dolmabahçe Palace in 1856, it served as the administrative center of the Ottoman Empire, and was the main.

FileTopkapi Palace Seen From Harem.JPG Wikimedia Commons Topkapı Sarayı. This place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, listed as Historic Areas of Istanbul. English: The Topkapi Palace in Istanbul is the former imperial residence of the Ottoman sultans. Today it is a museum. It is subdivivided into four courtyards and the Harem. Polski: Pałac Topkapi (tur.

Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi (Nerede, Nasıl Gidilir, 2023 Giriş Ücretleri) Topkapı Sarayı served as the Ottoman imperial palace from the late fifteenth/ninth century AH to the nineteenth/ thirteenth century AH. Sultan Mehmed II "the conqueror" (r. 1444-1446, 1451-1481/848-850, 855-886 AH) ordered the palace to be built as a replacement for his first palace, which he had constructed on the site of a monastery and the 4th century Forum Tauri of Byzantine Emperor.

Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi (Nerede, Nasıl Gidilir, 2023 Giriş Ücretleri) Topkapı Sarayı Hakkında Topkapı Sarayı, Osmanlı Sultanlarının ikametgâhı, devletin yönetim ve eğitim merkezidir. İstanbul fatihi Sultan II. Mehmed tarafından 1460-1478 tarihleri arasında yaptırılmış olan ve zaman içerisinde bazı ilavele

Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi (Nerede, Nasıl Gidilir, 2023 Giriş Ücretleri) Topkapı Sarayı Harem 360° Sanal Tur x25 nokta. ERROR: Adobe Flashplayer or. HTML5 Browser with WebGL or CSS3D support required! Bu ve birçok eser 2013 yılında, Topkapı Sarayında, Harem eserleri kategorisinde çekilmiştir. Kategoriler: Sanal tur fiyatları, Tarihi mekanlar Etiketler: harem, müze, panorama, sanal tur, topkapi palace.

Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi (Nerede, Nasıl Gidilir, 2023 Giriş Ücretleri) 360° panorama photo from Istanbul by Nadir Pulluk. Ayasofya. Sultan Ahmet meydanı. Topkapı sarayı. Umschalten der Navigation Search Einloggen / Neu anmelden Einloggen; New Account / View Pricing; Erkunden 360° Video Gallery Weltkarte; Redaktionelle Auswahl.

TOPKAPI SARAYI TANITIM FİLMİ (360 VR) YouTube Topkapı Sarayı'nın 3D sanal turu görenleri hayrette bırakıyor. Buradan ücretsiz indirilen programlarla kendinizi Topkapı Sarayı'nda gibi hissedeceksiniz.. Değişik açılardan çekilen fotoğraflar daha sonra bilgisayarda birleştirilerek seyredenleri çepeçevre saran 360 derece panoramik bir görüntü oluşturuyor.

topkapı sarayı içi Fotometrik360 Istanbul (historically Byzantium and later Constantinople; see the other names of Istanbul) is the largest city of Turkey and the third largest city in the world. The city covers 27 districts of the Istanbul province.It is located on the Bosphorus Strait and encompasses the natural harbor known as the Golden Horn, in the northwest of the country.

İstanbulda Gezilecek Yerler The Topkapı Palace shows the characteristics of Ottoman court and residential architecture for a period lasting up until the construction of the Dolmabahçe Palace in the AH mid-13th / AD 19th century, and was the official residence of the Ottoman sultans from Mehmed II until Abdülmecid. It became a museum in 1924. View Short Description.

Topkapı Sarayı sanal gezi yandex, Topkapı Sarayı sanal müze gez 360, Topkapı Sarayı 3D sanal TOPKAPI PALACE AND ITS PERSIAN HOLDINGS. The Topkapı Palace, which was known as the Yeni Saray (New Palace) until the 19th century, served the Ottoman sultans for almost 380 years as the imperial residence and center of command.The New Palace was built by the order of Sultan Mehmet II (Moḥammad II, r. 1444-46 and 1451-81), who had conquered Constantinople in 1453, in a district named Zeytinlik.

Topkapı Sarayı Haremi sanal alemde The Topkapı Palace (Turkish: Topkapı Sarayı or in Ottoman Turkish: طوپقپو سرايى) is a large palace in Istanbul, Turkey, that was the primary residence of the Ottoman Sultans for approximately 400 years (1465-1856) of their 624-year reign.. Wikipedia: Topkapı Palace

topkapı sarayı müzesi giriş ücreti ️ bilgi90 Topkapi Palace - 3D Virtual Tour. Topkapi Palace virtual tours can be started by clicking the preview window or by downloading the stand-alone versions. Just drag the mouse to the direction you want to look. Use the scroll wheel to zoom at the details. Press F9 to get a list of the 3D sites you downloaded (residing in the same directory). To install the listed sites as a screensaver press F5.

Topkapı Sarayı Harem Fotoğrafları 2 / Fotoğraf, Osmanlı, Kasır The Topkapı Palace Museum is notable not only for its architecture and collections but also for the history and culture of the Ottoman Empire that it recalls. History. About 30 sultans ruled from the Topkapı Palace for nearly four centuries during the Ottoman Empire's 600-year reign, beginning with Mehmed II.

360° view of Ayasofya. Sultan Ahmet meydanı. Topkapı sarayı Alamy Home of the Ottoman sultans for nearly 400 years, Topkapı Sarayı ("Palace of the Cannon Gate"—map) was the seraglio, the heart of the vast Ottoman Empire, ruled by the monarch who lived in Topkapı's hundreds of rooms with hundreds of concubines, children, and servants.. Completed in 1478 in present-day Istanbul, Topkapı Palace has opened its doors to countless visitors since being.

Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi (Nerede, Nasıl Gidilir, 2023 Giriş Ücretleri) Topkapı Sarayı 360 vr Tanıtım FilmiBu film Milli Saraylar tarafından HK Medya | 360 VR Turkey ajansına yaptırılmıştır.

Topkapı Sarayı’nda padişahın gizli yolu halka açıldı Topkapı Sarayı Harem Sanal Tur çalışmasını interaktif olarak incelemek için aşağıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
